Plan your journey
Pay it forward
- Create an account in the Passport Portal or log in to your account.
The Passport Portal is a platform developed for participants of CTE’s Passport to Great Teaching Program. The portal tracks your attendance, miles, and certificates. If you need help navigating the Passport Portal, view the user guide.
- Register for one of the following certificate tracks in the Passport Portal.
Expand the drop-down options below to view certificate requirements and instructions.
The Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning Certificate empowers faculty to seamlessly integrate AI technologies into their educational practices. Participants will delve into state-of-the-art AI tools, address ethical considerations, and adopt innovative teaching strategies to boost student engagement and learning outcomes. This comprehensive program features hands-on workshops, collaborative projects, and reflective activities, equipping educators to spearhead the future of AI-driven education.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 400 miles
Core activities are required
1. Know & Understand: AI Fundamentals | 100 miles
- Register for the core activity in the Passport Portal link here.
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one here.
2. Use & Apply AI: Applying AI in Your Course Assignments | 100 miles
- Register for the core activity in the Passport Portal link here.
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one here.
3. Evaluate & Create AI: Assessing with AI | 100 miles
- Register for the core activity in the Passport Portal link here.
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one here.
4. AI Ethics, Academic Integrity, and Accessibility in Your Course | 100 miles
- Register for the core activity in the Passport Portal link here.
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one here.
Elective Activities: 600 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
1. Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Artificial Intelligence Category) | 100 miles each
- Visit the Upcoming Activities page in the Passport Portal to register for workshops with the Artificial Intelligence category designation
- When registering, be sure to select Artificial Intelligence as your category
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one here.
2. Asynchronous Workshops (Artificial Intelligence Category) | 100-500 miles each
- Visit the Events and Workshops webpage and expand the At-Your-Own-Pace Online Workshops drop-down list or the Asynchronous Guided Online Workshops drop-down list to learn about and register for qualifying asynchronous workshops.
- After attending a workshop, submit a reflection in the Passport Portal by clicking on Submit Activity and selecting the name of the workshop in the drop-down list
- Be sure to select Artificial Intelligence as your category when submitting your reflection
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one here
The Great Teaching for New Faculty Certificate is designed to support faculty in their first few years of teaching. While completing the certificate, you will discover university resources, identify instructors you can turn to for instructional strategies and advice, and create a great learning experience for your students while saving yourself time and frustration.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 500 miles
Core activities are required.
Elective Activities: 500 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Teaching Beyond the Podium Activities | 10 miles each
The Teaching Beyond the Podium podcast features members of the UF community who discuss tips and strategies for creating a quality learning experience.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops | 100 miles each
- Asynchronous Workshops | 100-500 miles each
- UF Conferences | 250 miles
The Great Teaching Certificate allows you to create your own learning path! Explore great teaching strategies and discover tips and tricks from other UF instructors by attending workshops, conferences, and more!
Miles Required: 1000
Elective Activities: 1000 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Teaching Beyond the Podium Activities | 10 miles each
The Teaching Beyond the Podium podcast features members of the UF community who discuss tips and strategies for creating a quality learning experience.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops | 100 miles each
- Asynchronous Workshops | 100-500 miles each
- UF Conferences | 250 miles
- First Year Faculty Teaching Academy (FYFTA) or Teaching Excellence Academy (TEA) | 500 miles
The Faculty Learning Community Certificate is awarded to faculty, staff, teaching assistants, graduate students and postdocs who participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC). FLCs are peer-led groups that engage in an active, collaborative, year–long program structured to provide encouragement, support, and reflection.
- Learn more and register for an FLC by visiting the FLC webpage
- Attend at least 8 scheduled meetings
- Attend the “Kickoff” and “Wrap-up” sessions
- Propose and construct your “Big Idea Project”
Your work as a TA in the classroom is a critical element for student success. The Great Teaching Certificate: TA Edition is a time-efficient way to learn good teaching practices to support your students!
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 600 miles
Core activities are required. Register for the core activities.
- Online TA Orientation Part 1 | 100 miles
- Online TA Orientation Part 2 | 100 miles
- Online TA Principles & Strategies Course | 400 miles
Elective Activities: 400 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Be a Great Online or Hybrid TA | 200 miles
Learn about teaching best practices and campus resources that will help you get up to speed quickly.
- Be a Great Online or Hybrid TA | 200 miles
- Teaching Beyond the Podium Activities | 10 miles each
The Teaching Beyond the Podium podcast features members of the UF community who discuss tips and strategies for creating a quality learning experience.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops | 100 miles each
- Asynchronous Workshops | 100-500 miles each
- UF Conferences | 250 miles
The Great Online Teaching Certificate is designed to save you time with practical suggestions and planning resources for your online course development.
Miles required: 1000
Core Activities: 500 miles
Core activities are required.
- Great Online Course Series (must complete all 3 workshops) | 500 miles
Elective Activities: 500 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Teaching Beyond the Podium Activities | 10 miles each
The Teaching Beyond the Podium podcast features members of the UF community who discuss tips and strategies for creating a quality learning experience.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops | 100 miles each
- Asynchronous Workshops | 100-500 miles each
- UF Conferences | 250 miles
The Global Teaching & Learning Certificate helps you internationalize your teaching at home and abroad. Some workshops in this series will help you internationalize your on-campus courses by exploring local resources and using technology to create global classrooms. Other courses help you prepare for the experience of teaching abroad by guiding you in the development of your own study abroad program, or by assisting you in applying to teach and research abroad through the Fulbright program.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 500-1000 miles
At least 1 out of the 4 core activities are required.
1.Global Learning Institute | 700 miles
- Learn more and register for the Global Learning Institute on the International Center webpage
- Miles for this activity are uploaded to the Passport Portal once per year.
2. Design a Virtual Exchange | 500 miles
- Learn more and register for Design a Virtual Exchange on the International Center webpage
- Miles for this activity are uploaded to the Passport Portal once per semester
- Learn more and register for the Study Abroad Leadership Program on the International Center webpage
- Miles for this activity are uploaded to the Passport Portal once per year
3. Study Abroad Leadership Program | 500 miles
- Learn more and register for the Study Abroad Leadership Program on the International Center webpage.
- Miles for this activity are uploaded to the Passport Portal once per year.
4. Intercultural Leadership Institute | 700 miles
- Learn more and register for the Intercultural Leadership Institute on the International Center webpage
- Miles for this activity are uploaded to the Passport Portal once per year.
Elective Activities: 0-500 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Global Learning Category) | 100 miles each
- Visit the Upcoming Activities page in the Passport Portal to register for workshops with the Global Learning category designation
- When registering, be sure to select Global Learning as your category
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one
- Asynchronous Workshops (Global Learning Category) | 100-500 miles each
- Visit the Events and Workshops webpage and expand the At-Your-Own-Pace Online Workshops drop-down list or the Asynchronous Guided Online Workshops drop-down list to learn about and register for qualifying asynchronous workshops in the Global Learning Category
- After attending a workshop, submit a reflection in the Passport Portal by clicking on Submit Activity and selecting the name of the workshop in the drop-down list
- Be sure to select Global Learning as your category when submitting your reflection
- If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one
Through the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Associate Certificate, graduate students will define and recognize the value of the Teaching-as-Research process, and how it can be used for ongoing enhancement of learning.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 700 miles
1 out of the 6 core activities are required.
- Preparing Future Faculty (only offered in spring) | 700 miles
- CIRTL: An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching (only offered in summer and fall) | 700 miles
- CALS Teacher’s College (only available to students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences) | 700 miles
- Advancing Learning through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching (only offered in spring) | 700 miles
- Transforming Your Research into Teaching | 700 miles
- The College Classroom | 700 miles
Elective Activities: 300 miles
Choose 1 activity from each numbered list below to complete your remaining miles.
- Teaching as Research
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Teaching as Research category) | 100 miles each
- Asynchronous Workshops (Teaching as Research category) | 100 miles each
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Teaching as Research category) | 100 miles each
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Category) | 100 miles
- Asynchronous Workshops (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Category) | 100 miles each
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Category) | 100 miles
- Evidence-Based Teaching
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Evidence-Based Teaching category) | 100 miles
- Asynchronous Workshops (Evidence-Based Teaching category) | 100 miles each
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Evidence-Based Teaching category) | 100 miles
Note: CIRTL activities change semester-to-semester, and some activities will only be offered once during each semester. Qualifying workshops will be updated at the beginning of each semester.
The goal of the CIRTL Practitioner Certificate is to receive advanced pedagogical instruction and complete a teaching-as-research project. As part of a cohort you will develop and execute a teaching-as-research project that contributes novel insights to one of the following areas: Evidence-Based Teaching, Learning Communities, Learning-through-Diversity.
1 out of the 2 prerequisites are required.
- Preparing Future Faculty (only offered in spring)
- CIRTL Associate Certificate
- Apply for the CIRTL Practitioner cohort
- Complete Semester 1 Activities
- Participate in monthly meetings with your mentor & submit a monthly mentor reflection
- Participate in the monthly practitioner cohort facilitated conversations
- Propose a teaching-as-research project
- Complete Semester 2 Activities
- Continue monthly mentor meetings
- Participate in the monthly cohort facilitated check-in meetings
- Implement your teaching-as-research project, analyze data, and report your conclusions
Exploring Experiential Learning for UF Quest 3 Certificate introduces you to high impact experiential learning practices as you develop or enhance your Quest 3 courses. Through this certificate you will be introduced to different types of experiential learning such as Community Service, Internship, Study Abroad, Design Competition, and Undergraduate Research. You will develop an aspect of your Quest 3 course and present it at the Fall luncheon. In the spring you will work with other faculty to create a handbook on experiential learning and share it with the teaching community at UF. Register for and participate in the Exploring Experiential Learning for UF Quest 3 Faculty Learning Community to earn this certificate.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities:
Core activities are required.
- Register for Exploring Experiential Learning for Quest 3 Courses Faculty Learning Community.
- Semester 1
-Attend kickoff
-Attend 6 out of 8 of seminars
-Attend wrap-up
-Complete all prep and post activities - Semester 2
-Attend 6 out of 8 meetings
-Complete all prep and post activities
-Contribute to the handbook on experiential learning at UF
-Present at Interface
The Principles of Holistic Teaching Certificate helps instructors reach diverse populations of students and provides a foundation of IDEA principals in an effort to build a culture that minimizes bias so all students, faculty, and staff can thrive. It covers technical, social, and pedagogical aspects of education and focuses on relevant and reflective activities that allow participants to implement changes in their teaching practice.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 500 miles
Core activities are required.
- Designing a Welcoming Course | 250 miles
- Accessible Online Environments | 250 miles
- CIRTL Course with a learning-through-diversity learning outcome focus | 700 miles
Elective Activities: 500 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Cultural Competencies, Holistic Teaching or Student Focused Teaching Category) | 100 miles each
- Asynchronous Workshops (Cultural Competencies, Holistic Teaching Category) | 100-500 miles each
The Mental Health Awareness Certificate helps faculty recognize and respond to signs of mental and emotional distress among students and co-workers. Participants will learn about resources at the University of Florida for students, staff, and faculty to support wellness.
Miles Required: 1000
Core Activities: 400 miles
Core activities are required
- Supporting Student Mental Health: Recognizing and Responding to Signs of Distress – Part I| 100 miles
-Register for the core activity in the Passport Portal
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one - Supporting Student Mental Health: Recognizing and Responding to Signs of Distress – Part II | 100 miles
-Register for the core activity in the Passport Portal
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one - Supporting Students in Distress | 100 miles
-Register for the core activity on the myTraining webpage
-Submit a reflection in the Passport Portal for each workshop by clicking on Submit
Activity and selecting Supporting Students in Distress in the drop-down menu
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one - Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training | 100 miles
-Register for the core activity on the CWC Online Trainings webpage
-Submit a reflection in the Passport Portal for each workshop by clicking on Submit
Activity and selecting QPR Suicide Prevention Training in the drop-down menu
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one
Elective Activities: 600 miles
Choose any activities listed below to complete your remaining miles.
- Synchronous F2F or Online Workshops (Mental Health Category) | 100 miles each
-Visit the Upcoming Activities page in the Passport Portal to register for workshops with the Mental Health category designation
-When registering, be sure to select Mental Health as your category
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one - Asynchronous Workshops (Mental Health Category) | 100-500 miles each
-Visit the Events and Workshops webpage and expand the At-Your-Own-Pace Online Workshops drop-down list or the Asynchronous Guided Online Workshops drop-down list to learn about and register for qualifying asynchronous workshops.
-After attending a workshop, submit a reflection in the Passport Portal by clicking on Submit Activity and selecting the name of the workshop in the drop-down list
-Be sure to select Mental Health as your category when submitting your reflection
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one - Complete a “Mental Health Check-in” activity | 10 – 100 miles each
-Visit the Reflections webpage in the Passport Portal to view the Mental Health Check-in activity options
-After completing a check-in activity, submit a reflection in the Passport Portal for each activity by clicking on Submit Activity and selecting the appropriate Mental Health Check-in activity in the drop-down menu
-If you don't have a Passport Portal account, create one
Plan Your Journey
- Register for and Attend Workshops
- Complete the core activities for your selected certificate.
- Complete the elective activities of your choice for your selected certificate. Click “Read More” for instructions on how to complete each activity.
- Keep track of your miles in the Passport Portal
Miles are awarded for events and workshops once. You cannot apply an individual workshop to more than one certificate. Exceptions will be made if an activity you complete for one certificate is the only core activity option for another certificate.
- Earn Badges
Category badges are awarded for earning 400 miles in the same category. When registering for a workshop, you will have the option to choose your category. View the category badges list. Badges are not required to earn a certificate.
Pay it Forward
- Become a Campus Collaborator
Share your expertise and knowledge by leading a workshop showcasing a teaching idea or strategy! Passport to Great Teaching workshops will be active learning opportunities for faculty, adjuncts, and TAs to collaborate and share.
- Connect to faculty across campus who are interested in your topic
- Earn miles towards your Great Teaching Certificate
- Identify potential collaborators for future research or other projects
Email CTE to start planning your session! Becoming a campus collaborator is not required to earn a certificate.
For questions about the Passport to Great Teaching program, visit the FAQ or contact Zaina Sheets.