instructor giving feedback to group


There is no single best way to evaluate group work. However, there are some helpful principles that can make grading less arbitrary and appear more fair to students. Evaluation and assessment are a means to an end; they allow instructors to investigate what we hold dear as educators. Good assessment and evaluation also recognizes that deep learning is seen in performance over time. Good assessments and evaluations work best when they are clearly explained. In order to develop useful assessments, instructors have to decide what to evaluate and how to measure achievement.


Decide What to Evaluate

If collaboration is a valued skill, then it merits training and evaluation. Scaffold the assignments and assessments so students have ample low stakes practice opportunities.

Make Collaboration a Measurable Course Objective and Plan on Assessing Collaboration Throughout the Course

Assess not only the product the students develop but also the process they use for collaboration. Provide opportunities for practice that are low stakes before any large project is due.

Create Rubrics that Will Allow You and the Students to Track Their Own Progress

Include space and time for regular self, group, and peer evaluations.


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