The Center for Teaching Excellence offers several resources for faculty and staff to help them succeed in their teaching. These resources include guides, workshops, certificate programs, and learning communities.
Great Teaching for New Faculty Certificate
The Great Teaching for New Faculty Certificate is part of the Passport to Great Teaching program offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. Faculty in their first few years of teaching will discover university resources, identify instructors you can turn to for instructional strategies and advice, and create a great learning experience for your students.
Great Teaching Certificate
The Great Teaching Certificate is part of the Passport to Great Teaching program offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. Explore great teaching strategies and discover tips and tricks from other UF instructors by attending workshops, conferences, and more!
Great Online Teaching Certificate
The Great Online Teaching Certificate is part of the Passport to Great Teaching program offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. This certificate is designed to save you time with practical suggestions and planning resources for your online course development.
Great Teaching Using Universal Design Certificate
The Great Teaching Using Universal Design Certificate is part of the Passport to Great Teaching program offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. This certificate will help you reach a diverse group of students and considers issues of multiculturalism, gender identity, access and disability, and more.
Global Teaching and Learning Certificate
The Global Teaching and Learning Certificate is part of the Passport to Great Teaching program offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. This certificate will help you internationalize your teaching at home and abroad.
Principles of Holistic Teaching Certificate
The Principles of Holistic Teaching Certificate helps instructors reach diverse populations of students and provides a foundation of IDEA principals in an effort to build a culture that minimizes bias so all students, faculty, and staff can thrive. It covers technical, social, and pedagogical aspects of education and focuses on relevant and reflective activities that allow participants to implement changes in their teaching practice.
Teaching Excellence Academy
The Center for Teaching Excellence offers the Teaching Excellence Academy workshop series throughout the year. This series is designed for faculty at all levels at UF. Learn how to create a great learning experience for your students while saving time and frustration.
Great Online Course Series
The Great Online Course workshop series is designed to save you time with practical suggestions and planning resources for your online course development.
Workshops Offered Through the Center for Teaching Excellence
The Center for Teaching Excellence works to keep faculty, staff, TAs, and graduate students connected and informed. Browse through our calendar to find workshops and events that pique your interest.
Faculty Learning Communities
Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) are peer-led groups of faculty, staff, and graduate students who engage in an active, collaborative, year–long program structured to provide encouragement, support, and reflection. New FLCs are added each academic year.
Interface Teaching Conference
Interface is an opportunity to recognize innovative faculty, provide a forum for professors to share their work with other disciplines and foster interdisciplinary collaborations on future projects.
CALS Teaching Enhancement Symposium
The Annual Teaching Enhancement Symposium is a day of learning for faculty to enhance individual teaching styles and interactions with students. Attendees have the opportunity to learn from others about innovations in the classroom, field, and online.
UF Instructor Guide
This collection of information and resources will give you details about teaching at UF in one location.
CTE Resource Library
The CTE Resource Library was built to help support your teaching and optimize student learning.
Teaching Beyond the Podium Podcast Series
Get inspired by members of the UF community! Learn useful tips and strategies for creating a quality learning experience.
The Mentoring Affinity Group
The Mentoring Affinity Group is open to all UF faculty, post docs, graduate students and staff who have an interest in mentoring. The group meets two-three times per semester to learn best practices, share insights and hone skills. Join the Mentoring Affinity Group listserv for updates and events.