The Passport categories page is here to help you plan your journey! Workshops can apply to multiple categories. When participating in a workshop, you get to choose which category you apply your miles toward. Once you’ve earned 400 miles in a category, you’ll be awarded a badge. To find out which categories each workshop applies to, visit the events and workshops page.
NOTE: Register for Passport workshops and submit your reflections in the Passport Portal. Reflections are required for conferences, asynchronous workshops, or any activity not hosted by the Center for Teaching Excellence.
Passport Category Badges
Active Learning
Discover active learning techniques that have students engage with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Discover innovative ways to use AI to support student learning. AI tools have potential benefits, such as providing new perspectives on a problem and generating content that can be analyzed or critiqued. Explore opportunities to include AI content in any course you teach—no coding experience needed.
Brown Bag Lunch and Learn Series
This series provides faculty the opportunity to explore emerging and perennial teaching and learning topics. These workshops are hosted by faculty who discuss different research-based strategies and methods that they’ve implemented in their own classrooms.
Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)
Learn how to enhance excellence in undergraduate education by implementing and advancing effective teaching practices for diverse learners by participating in courses, MOOCs, and workshops offered through the CIRTL Network.
Meet other faculty and staff while hearing about effective practices and strategies on teaching.
Creative Assessment
Go beyond the “one size fits all” assessment and develop strategies contoured to your students, your course material, and your teaching technique. Make assessment an integral part of the learning experience.
Cultural Competencies
Discover new ways to interact effectively with people from different cultures. Help your students learn to be respectful and responsive to the health beliefs, practices, and the cultural and linguistic needs of diverse population groups.
Digital Literacy
Learn how digital literacy can extend the impact and influence of your course by experimenting with the latest tools and techniques used to communicate in the digital age.
Upon completion of Level 1 requirements, you will receive the Elevate Prelaunch Badge. For additional details, visit the Elevate Your Teaching webpage.
Upon completion of Level 2 requirements, you will receive the Elevate Exploration Badge. For additional details, visit the Elevate Your Teaching webpage.
Evidence-Based Teaching
Evidence-based teaching focuses on principles and practices that are based on the best available scientific evidence, rather than tradition, personal judgement, or other influences. Evidence-based education is related to evidence-based teaching, evidence-based learning, and school effectiveness research.
Experiential Learning
Discover the power of experiential learning and the basic steps to create your own activities and assignments.
Teaching Excellence Academy (TEA)
Instructors and faculty at all stages of their careers are invited to continually build their teaching and learning practice and create great learning experiences for their students.
Global Learning
Learn tools and strategies to internationalize your course, making your students more globally aware and competent.
Great Hybrid Online TA
Prepare for TA roles in online or hybrid courses by exploring teaching best practices, campus resources, completing modules, identifying relevant practices, selecting portfolio elements, and accessing UF teaching support.
Great Online Teaching
This workshop series will help you design, build and teach a great online course.
Great Presentations
Discover simple techniques and tips for effective communication in the classroom and beyond.
Mental Health
Engaging in mental health strategies helps provide insights into understanding one’s own and others emotions, managing stress, and nurturing resilience. Through the mental health badge, you will learn valuable coping strategies, identify symptoms of mental distress, and build awareness of mental health resources. The mental health badge can help you foster self-awareness, empathy for others’ struggles, and a stronger foundation for building healthy relationships.
Mentoring empowers, supports, and encourages others. Learn what constitutes good practice in mentorship through the workshops offered by the experts at UF and the International Mentoring Association.
Holistic Teaching
The Principles of Holistic Teaching badge helps instructors reach diverse populations of students and provides a foundation of IDEA principals in an effort to build a culture that minimizes bias so all students, faculty, and staff can thrive.
No Walls Teaching
The No Walls Teaching (NWT) Badge is a special edition badge that is only offered at limited times. Participants on this list attended three NWT events in addition to one of the NWT Retreats OR were a designated champion, facilitated an NWT event and attended at least two NWT events.
The TA Orientation covers the formal requirements for being a teaching assistant. Complete both F2F and online sessions. This badge is only awarded to TAs.
Passport Partners
Passport Partners also earn miles for presenting which can be allocated toward this badge and a certificate.
Promoting IDEA in Clinical Settings
Discover methods designed to support clinical instructors charged with engaging students in experiential learning while encouraging the application of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access principles into clinical teaching and other health care educational contexts. Learn valuable insights and approaches to difficult but common areas of discomfiture encountered in the clinical teaching setting.
RiTL Workshops
Learn about research-based pedagogy that you can use in your classes. Explore the ins and outs of using your teaching as research by exploring topics like data collection, qualitative models and frameworks, and decoding the IRB process.
RiTL Community of Practice
As part of this community of practice (COP) you will develop and execute a teaching-as-research project that contributes novel insights to one of the following areas: Evidence–Based Teaching, Learning Communities, Learning through Diversity.
Student Focused Teaching
Gain new perspectives on teaching and course development that focus on providing the best learning experience for your students.
TA Portfolio Series
Create an electronic teaching portfolio that helps you stand out to academic search committees and showcase your strengths as an instructor and professional.
TA Principles and Strategies
Build a strong foundation of teaching practices to support your students’ learning. Learn time saving strategies and teaching principles that will help you be a ‘great’ TA. This badge is only awarded to TAs.
Tackling Tough Talks
Learn and practice strategies to implement when difficult conversations with students and coworkers arise.
Teaching as Research
Discover systematic, and reflective methods of using research to develop and implement teaching practices that advance the learning experiences and outcomes of students and teachers.
Team Based Learning (TBL) Boot Camp
This workshop is completed over a 3 day period in which you will be introduced to TBL, generate content and practice skills.
Textbook Affordability
Discover affordable options and strategies to reduce the cost of course materials.
UDL & Access
Learn approaches to teaching and learning that provides all students an equal opportunity to succeed. UDL uses a variety of teaching methods to remove barriers to learning. UDL builds in a degree of flexibility that can be adjusted for every individual’s strengths and needs.
UF Quality
Learn about the UF Quality for online education rubric. Complete a self-review of your course and peer review two courses to earn the course reviewer badge.
UF Quest 3 Experiential Learning | Discovery
Explore new ways to implement or enhance experiential learning aspects of your course. Create opportunities for your students to engage in high impact learning activities.
UF Quest 3 Experiential Learning | Development
Create a handbook to be shared with the UF teaching community illustrating various high impact experiential learning practices.