Starting Summer 2025, the Center for Teaching Excellence will begin recognizing courses that achieve “Zero Textbook Cost” (ZTC) with a special badge that can be displayed by itself or alongside an Affordable UF badge.
Courses that have earned the ZTC designation will display the following icon in the Schedule of Courses:
About ZTC
UF’s ZTC program is part of a broader state initiative coordinated by the Florida Virtual Campus to recognize statewide courses with zero textbook cost. ZTC courses can provide the maximum value to students while providing a high-quality educational experience. Students tend to rate ZTC materials highly (Albert, Redcay, & Pfannestiel, 2021).
Applying for the ZTC Badge
To apply for the ZTC badge, complete the Affordable UF form as part of your textbook adoption submission. All courses submitted for the Affordable UF badge will also be considered for the ZTC badge.
Eligibility for the UF ZTC badge conforms to FLVC’s definition; however, UF goes beyond the FLVC definition by taking into account any materials the student is required to purchase independently that is not a common educational supply (e.g., pens, paper, notebooks, calculators, exam books, basic safety goggles, etc.). This includes access to external learning platforms, required membership fees to professional organizations, specialist lab equipment, and software. More information is available in the FAQs.
Suggestions to Make Your Course ZTC Eligible
Reducing Material Costs
- We encourage lab material expenses to be assessed through material and supply fees to leverage the economy-of-scale of bulk ordering available to UF. This will help students understand upfront costs without affecting ZTC eligibility and eliminate the need for students to obtain materials independently. This will also ensure that students are provided with the correct equipment.
- If your course requires software, choose free or open source options, or select software that is available through UF Apps. You may suggest paid apps while providing free alternatives.
Reducing Textbook Costs
- Adopt open educational resources that can be used without cost to students.
- Select items that are free for students from the Spectrum of Open model:
- Any materials in the public domain or licensed under Creative Commons or a similar licensing scheme
- Open Access articles and books
- Copyrighted materials that are publicly available/accessible
- Content licensed from the UF Libraries
- Copyrighted material that allows for educational use
- Copyrighted material that can be used under fair use rules (we recommend that you seek advice from the UF Libraries before using a material under fair use)
- Copyrighted material in which you have gotten explicit written permission from the copyright holder
To learn more, please schedule a consultation here with Ryan Rushing our Textbook Affordability Coordinator.
Albert, D. R., Redcay, A., & Pfannenstiel, A. N. (2021). The impact of typical textbook behaviors on satisfaction with zero textbook cost materials. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 4(1).