
Generative AI has undeniably made a significant impact in the classroom, ushering in both opportunities and challenges. On the positive side, generative AI-driven tools offer innovative approaches to curriculum development and instructional design that can foster a dynamic learning environment. However, the integration of generative AI in the classroom has brought academic integrity into sharper focus. The ease with which AI-generated content can be produced has heightened the risk of plagiarism and unauthorized assistance. Maintaining academic honesty in the face of this technological advancement is paramount. Faculty should take proactive measures to educate students about responsible AI use, emphasizing proper citation and the importance of original work.  The impact of generative AI on academic integrity underscores the need for a balanced approach that harnesses the benefits of AI while safeguarding the principles of fair and honest scholarship. 


1. Talk to your students early and often about the capabilities of generative AI. 

2. Point out current UF policies and guidelines. 

3. Set and define course policies for disclosure and citation of generative AI in your course. Explain to students how, when, and why generative AI may or may not be used in your course. Course policies can generally fall into one of three categories (1. Specific uses of generative AI are encouraged (i.e. generating ideas, editing, translating, outlining); 2. Specific uses of generative AI are allowed if students clearly distinguish between their original work and generative AI output (highlighting output, tracking changes in generative AI output); 3. Any use of generative AI constitutes academic misconduct (University of Michigan ). 

  • Remind students they are responsible for all content they generate for the course, regardless of how the work is generated.
  • Transparency: students should be transparent on their use of generative AI and ensure they are adhering to UF academic integrity standards.  
  • Citation requirements  APA citation of generative AI and MLA citation of generative AI 
